Instructions to Authors
1. Editorial policy
Journal of Khyber College of Dentistry is the official Journal of Khyber College of Dentistry. The journal is a peer- reviewed, dedicated to the dissemination of new knowledge/ information on all sciences relevant to dentistry, oral cavity and associated structures in health and disease. JKCD aims to be the leading publication in its field and provides a forum for the exchange of information about new and significant research in Dentistry in Pakistan and throughout the world. The Journal will publish peer-reviewed research articles, clinical developments, clinical opinions and treatments as well as other key issues of relevance to Dentistry. It also aims to motivate the conduct and publication of original research in oral health sciences in Pakistan, to provide a source of continuing dental education, and to circulate such information in Pakistan and other parts of the world. The Journal would appeal to a substantial international readership seeking to keep up-to-date with research and developments in oral health sciences, with an emphasis on new knowledge and innovations. It would provide clinicians, scientists and students of dentistry with a comprehensive periodical published quarterly in a year, publishing original research papers, reviews, evidence base clinical cases, short communications, letters to the editor and guest editorials.
2. Manuscript submission
Journal of Khyber College of Dentistry follows the uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to Biomedical Journals as approved by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors as updated in Oct. 2004 and available at Only those manuscripts are accepted which have not been published previously or submitted elsewhere for publication.
Tables and illustrations should be typed and drawn on separate pages. A covering letter, containing the undertaking (Annexure-1), certifying the originality of the work and that it is neither published nor submitted for publication elsewhere, duly signed by the principal author should accompany the manuscript. Authors from abroad can also submit their manuscript electronically to “”. Such manuscripts along with tables and references must be sent as a MS word document but graphics have to be attached as jpeg files.
3. Format requirements
All Manuscripts of original research should contain the following sections:
a. Title page: Page 1 of the manuscript should include the title of the article and the name(s) of the authors with the sequence to appear in print, degrees, title/designation, and name of the department and institutional affiliation of each author. The person responsible for future enquiry should be identified and his address for correspondence along with telephone number and E-mail address, given. Acknowledgements to be included should also be given on this page.
b. Abstract: Page 2 of the manuscripts should contain a maximum of 250 words as structured abstract i.e. Objective(s), Materials and Methods, Results and Conclusion. Abstract for evidence based clinical case and literature reviews need not be structured.
c. Key words: A list of 3-6 key words should also be included at the bottom of the abstract page.
d. Abbreviations: Standard abbreviations should be used only. Full word for each abbreviation should be given, the first time it is used in the text. Avoid abbreviations in the Title and Abstract.
e. Introduction: Summarize the rationale and purpose of the study. It should neither review the subject extensively nor should it have data or conclusion. Give only pertinent references and clearly state the working hypothesis.
f. Materials and Methods: Precisely describe how the study was carried out so that the reader can easily comprehend the method used. Please add information on the number of ethical approval certificate which is mandatory in the unblinded version. Provide information about the sample (subjects, patients or materials being studied), design of study and how it was executed and also write about the inform consent either verbal or written. If a drug or material is used, its generic name, dose and route of administration/ applications must be explained. Indicate the statistical methods used and also specify any computer program used for analysis of the data.
g. Results: As per the decision of the JKCD editorial board, papers that solely present results with frequencies will not be published in JKCD. Results should be presented clearly as text, tables and illustrations. All the data given in the tables and figures should not be repeated in the text. Only important observations should be mention in the text, while reference to the table or figure number can be given for less important findings.
h. Discussion: This should emphasize the present findings and its comparison with other relevant studies. Do not repeat in detail the data or other material given in the introduction or results. Point out the implication of the findings and the limitations of the study.
i. Conclusion: Include a numeric listing of evidence based conclusions and should relate directly to the aims and objectives of the study.
j. Tables: Each of the tables should be on a separate page, must have a brief title, be on a double space and should have an accompanying legend. Duplication of results given in tables and in figures must be avoided.
k. Illustrations: All graphics, drawings and photographs are labeled as figures and should be consecutively numbered. Each illustration must be on a separate page and must have a caption. In case of photographs, write the figure number and caption at the back of each photograph.
l. References: The references must be written in Vancouver style, double-spaced and numbered as they appear in the text. The total number of references must not exceed 40 for original article and 100 for review article. Provide complete information for each reference, including names and initials of all authors when they are six or less. If there are more than six authors, list the first six followed by “et al”. The authors name(s) and initials are followed by the title of the article, the name of the journal abbreviated according to the style followed in Index Medicus, year of publication, journal volume and number of the first and last pages e.g. Bashir U, Hassan A, Arshad N. Cleidocranial dysplasia. J Pak Dent Assoc 2005; 14(3):177-80.
Reference for a chapter or part of a book should have author name(s) and initials, full title of the chapter or part, name of the editor(s), complete title of the book, city address, publisher, year of publication and number of the first and last pages e.g. Shafer WG, Hine MK, Levy BM. Dental caries; A text book of oral pathology. 4th ed. India: Saunders 1997; 406-11.
m. Ethics: When reporting experiments on human subjects, indicate whether the procedures followed were in accordance with the standards of institutional ethical committee on human experimentation and with the Helsinki Declaration of 1975, as revised in 1983. Do not use patient’s names, initials, or hospital numbers especially in illustrative material.
n. Units of Measurements: Systems International (SI) units to be preferred where possible. Conventional units can be given in parenthesis.
o. Drugs Names: Generic names of drugs are preferred. Where essential, the brand names can be given in parenthesis.
p. Permission: Material taken from other sources must be accompanied by written statement from both the author and the publisher giving permission for reproduction.
Author’s Checklist
i) Eliminate nonstandard abbreviation in the titles
ii) Supply full author names (including institutional affiliation and contact information)
iii) Abstract: 250 words, Article: 2000 words (excluding references).
iv) Give references in Vancouver style, accurately cited in the text in numerical order.
v) Cite tables in the text in numerical order.
vi) Submit manuscript online through, OJS
vii) Cite figures in the text in numerical order.
viii) Author agreement is signed by all authors.
ix) On acceptance of the article by the editorial board and peer review, author(s) are required to submit the following fee in advance on account of article publication/processing charges.
Faculty members/consultants = Rs. 10,000/-
Trainee Medical Officer = Rs. 5000/-
House Officer = Rs. 3000/-
Authors are required to check submission guidelines and Submission Preparation Checklist with all the following items. Submissions that do not adhere to the below guidelines will be declined.
- Full names of all the authors (including institutional affiliation and contact information) in the title page
- Eliminate abbreviations in the titles.
The structure of the manuscript shall contain the following headings
- Abstract
- Objective
- Material and Methods
- Results
- Conclusion
- Keywords
While the main text of the manuscript shall contain the headings like Introduction, Material and Methods, Result, Discussion, Conclusion and References with all bold.
- The abstract shall have 250-300 words while the full-text article shall be around 2500 words (excluding references).
- The Material and Methods section in the main text shall contain the ethical certificate number in the unblinding version.
- References in Vancouver style, accurately cited in text in numerical order.
- Cite tables in text in numerical order.
- The metadata of the authors shall contain all the information when registering through OJS.
- Do not send tables in JPG format.
- Double-space the manuscript
- Always justify the text.
- The font size of main heading shall be 14 while the sub-heading 13 and normal text shall be 12.
- Cite figures in the text in numerical order.
- The author agreement must be signed by all authors.
Submission Preparation Checklist
The following documents shall be submitted with the initial submission. The authors should thoroughly read the author’s instructions.
1. Two copies of the manuscript online in MS word doc. One copy will be labeled as blinded and the 2nd will be unblinded.
2. Title page
3. Ethical approval documents.
4. Author agreement
5. Covering letter to the Editor in Chief.
6. Two potential reviewers and the reason of choosing.
7. Turnitin report
All these required documents must also be shared with the JKCD through email on ( along with submission to the
1. The Blinded version of the manuscript must not contain any information about the authors, author institute, ethical approval, and study setting. These words can be replaced by [for Blinding]. This file will be used for peer review.
2. Please add information about the number of ethical approval certificate which is mandatory in the unblinded version in the methodology section and also write about the inform consent; either verbal or written.